Our Program Basis
Wed have purposedly abbreviated our requirements for graduate and post-graduate degrees in an effort to hold the tuition to a minimum and allow ample time to complete one's desir4ed field of study. We believed that upon review of the various programs, we have streamlined the supporting areas of study by offering the same information in a condensed version. Anchor Bible College staff and faculty are honored to assist you and are dedicated to promoting God's Kingdom through quality Biblical education.
Curriculum & Reference Materials
Anchor Bible College seeks to offer the highest quality curriculum and reference materials. Resources are subject to change at the discretion of the Executive Board of Directors, and not all subjects are offered every year.
Student Nondiscrimation Policy
Anchor Bible College admits students of any race, ethnicity, nationality, or ethnic origin with all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students. Anchor Bible College does not discriminate on the basis of raced, ethnicity, nationality, or ethnic origin in administration of it's policies, loan programs, for other school administered programs.
Statement of Standards
Each student is expected to conduct oneself in a manner that will, at no time, bring reproach upon our Savior or upon Anchor Bible College.
Each individual application is assessed with consideration through appropriate review processing.
A non-refundable application fee of $60 must accompany all applications. Upon approval of application, tuition, and textbook cost must be paid at time of registration (click Fees & Tuition for payment details and options). Please note, NO textbooks will be released without completed payment. Graduation fees are separate from above cost (click Fees and Tuition for payment details and options).